Infinite Loop Fun
Artful Reflection #3

I laughed and fell out of my chair when I saw the infinite cat project Ge mentioned in chapter 3 of Artful Design.
I also love the “Song That Never Ends” example Ge mentioned.
These two examples certainly showed a way of humor associated with aesthetics that deliver an interesting sensation and feeling. To me, it created a surprising joy. It also reminds me of an ancient short story as the following:
Once there was a mountain.
On the top there was a temple.
In the temple, there was an old monk.
One day, the old monk told the young monk:
Once there was a mountain.
On the top there was a temple.
In the temple, there was an old monk.
One day, the old monk told the young monk:
Loop. For ever and ever.
Such a story marks the some highlight of childhood humor. It’s so fun.
I do wonder if such infinite loop appeals to the general public and can be used more broadly in products and designs. So, it caused me thinking: why is the infinite loop so interesting to people?
Well, maybe there is something about almost being able to get to the final answer, and realizing that the finish line is actually the beginning line. Are previous effort spent in vain? Or maybe this is a different beginning than the last one? Are we ever able to get to the finish line? Or are we stuck forever in the journey from the beginning to a fake ending? Is this a trap? The sudden realization could be extremely powerful. It’s meta.
And you are like, wow, this is just life. You thought you are achieving something, but jokes on you, it’s just a new beginning. The more you know, the more you don’t know. There’s never an end. There’s never a beginning. As you are watching the your previous self, the future you will be watching the current you. Just like the cat, watching another cat watching another cat…
It’s reflective fun.
And it comes from a simple aesthetic pattern. A loop.